Sunday, April 20, 2008

Oui, We Wii!!!!!

Thanks to a fortuitous serious of events, beginning with the upcoming birthday of my friends' little girl (which coincidentally is also my mom's birthday!!) and ending with a phone call from Myles, we are now the proud owners of our very own Wii!!

As the way things often happen when I go to visit Tania, an impromptu celebration involving the Rave family and friends took place. This time, the excuse was Maya's 4th birthday. I was given the task of picking up a present for her at Toys R Us, since it's on my way to the subway. While there, I couldn't help but notice all of the signs saying, "Wii Consoles Available".

Myles and I have been trying to buy a Wii for a few weeks now, but with no luck. The last effort was particularly disappointing, with the Shoppers' Drug Mart having sold their last console that very morning...even worse, I was supposed to check a few days earlier, but never got around to it! Curse me and my crippling laziness!

So, there I was at the counter, paying for the cute lil' flower-shaped cd player, with Tinkerbell sitting atop it, debating on whether or not I should just go ahead and buy the Wii. I'm not very good at making these kinds of decisions on my own, so it was a good thing that Myles called me at that very moment. With a slight twist of my rubber arm, and the convincing argument of, "if I was there I'd buy it, but I'm not...YOU are," I added the Wii and WiiPlay to my purchase. Yay!

We had loads of fun breaking in the console at Tania's. I'm even a little stiff today, from all that boxing! I'm pretty sure Myles and I are going to get our money's worth outta this machine. I'm gonna go set it up now, so I can practice posing those stupid Mii's so he won't kick my ass next time!


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