Friday, April 18, 2008

Sketchy McSketcherson's been a while since I've posted anything. Sadly, it's mostly because nothing really happens to me that's worth writing about. Or, if I could write about something, I'm usually too uninspired or lazy to do so.

Well, all that changes TODAY!!! Heh. That makes it sound like I'm turning over a new leaf, or something. I am not. I'm just posting a couple sketches that I got at the Hobbystar Fan Appreciation event that took place this past weekend. If you want some in depth coverage, you should check out Myles' article. Digital Kontent (, along with friends, Shane Heron and Brian Boodnarine, set up a table where they pimped their wares and raffled off loads of free stuff.

I spent the first day not really feeling very well - I was just getting over a cold - so, I just tooled around and bought a bunch of trades. I was too indecisive and just couldn't figure out from whom and of what to get sketches. Sunday I was feeling better, and finally ended up getting a few sketches.

The con was lots of fun. I love that Digital Kontent has a table at these things - I must say, it's really nice to have a place to sit and chill when you need to take a load off, or a place to store all your purchases.

The highlight of the con for me was talking to Michael Cho. He's part of Transmission-X and his web comic, Papercut is my absolute favourite. Also, he's Korean! So, we had the typical Korean exchange:

Michael: "Are you Korean?"
Me: "Yes."
Michael: "Do you speak Korean"
Me: "No."

I don't know how many times I've had that conversation, but it's probably equal to the number of times I've met a Korean. Anyway, I'm a really big fan of Cho's art and his style, so it was nice just to chat about that. And, as if that weren't enough, he was kind enough to indulge me with a Butternutsquash sketch, which I asked for because I LOVED the guest strip he did for them a few months back.

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