Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Let me begin by saying I have pretty much zero interest in guns and firearms, and weapons in general. Although, there was that one Christmas when I asked Santa for a cap gun, which he kindly delivered, and which I'm sure I promptly broke or lost . But, in my more mature and responsible adult years, I've become a bit hippy-dippy and now loathe guns. Although, I don't really have a problem with video game shooters - better on screen than in real life, I say!!

Anyway, I've discovered another medium where I am able to tolerate guns and weapons: reality competition television!!! While randomly trolling the interweb, I came across a History Channel show called Top Shot that seemed like it had everything I look for in a reality show: team competition, elimination challenges, voting, a little bit of the social game, and mad shooting skillz.


Okay, I don't really look for shooting skills when I watch reality television (The Ultimate Fighter would be a VERY different show....), but I can certainly appreciate when a 22-year old kid corrects for over-compensating for wind and hits a target 600 yards (that's 4 CFL fields including endzones!!!) away with a scoped Remington 700 sniper rifle. I THINK that's impressive...only because the other dude couldn't do it, not because I'm pretending to know stuff about guns.

The show is hosted by reality competition television's favourite under-achiever, Colby Donaldson, who has picked up a few hosting tips from über-host, Jeff Probst. But, by far, the best part of the show is the elimination nomination, which is a bit like voting people off the island in Survivor, but on Top Shot, the two people people with the most votes compete head-to-head to see who gets kicked off. What's so great about the nomination process, you ask? Why, it's an open vote where you have to shoot the person's target RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIS FACE!!!! It's deliciously evil and sometimes awkward, especially when people vote for personal or selfish reasons.

The first season just finished and they have already put out a casting call for season 2, which excites me to no end!! In the mean time, I will try to find some way to kill time...perhaps with WCG Ultimate Gamer Season 2? More acceptable shooting!!!!

Psssssssst....I've also started a more topical blog that's loosely about games and gaming....key word: LOOSELY. If you are so inclined, you can check it out here: blinkinghazards.blogspot.com/

1 comment:

  1. This show is the greatest.

    I almost wish it wasn't on the history channel. If they weren't 'aiming' for educational, then we could've seen the competitors partake in paintball or laser-tag - OR EVEN A COUNTER-STRIKE TOURNAMENT!

    I'd love to see how 'real-world' marksman do in a fictional shoot-em-up setting.
