Monday, January 7, 2008

The people have spoken!

Well, two of 'em, anyway. Within minutes of each other, two friends in separate msn conversations made reference (one explicitly, the other implicitly) to the lack of activity on my blog. So, here it is - the much anticipated (by at least TWO people) first k_song post of 2008!!!!

I wish I could say that I've been purposefully holding out, building up curiosity and suspense for my eager fans (all TWO of them!!!) who have been waiting patiently to find out what I've been up to, lo these many weeks. Sadly, this is not the case. I haven't written for two very simple reasons: I'm lazy and I'm boring. But, I think I can also blame my lack of blogging on the types of activities I engage in. For Christmas, I knit a whole slew of coasters for my sister's extended family. At around 1.5 hours per coaster (not including the time it took to felt them) we're looking at a whole lotta tv-watching time. That's the nice thing about knitting - I get to catch up on my tv shows. The month of December was pretty much taken up by Veronica Mars, Spooks, and Boston Legal (which I'm still working on). I WOULD have written about it, but math is objective:

Knitting + TV Interesting Blog

After Christmas though, when I was finished with my boring knitting, I tried my hand at a comic book review for Myles. For some reason, he wanted me to read and write about the first issue of The Search for Ray Palmer. It's not an ideal review if you're looking for advice and insight into whether or not you should buy the comic. I guess I have a slightly different perspective and criteria than REAL comic book readers. Here - see for yourself:

I think he wants me to do more of these, using his rating method. I don't mind reading them (even when they suck) and I'm okay with the writing, but I draw the line at taking goofy pictures of myself holding the comic. [Sorry, Myles, but you KNOW you look goofy, don't you?]

I guess I'll have to come up with my own rating system, then. Any suggestions?

OMG! I forgot! For those of you who have been reading since the beginning, I'm sure you'll share in my excitement over getting the coolest USB pen in the world!!! Yes, my brother-in-law special ordered the Radiohead limited edition USB pen with complete discography for me! YAY! And it arrived in the nick of time - even though he missed Christmas by a few days, I received it just as I was considering ripping all my Radiohead albums onto my new MP3 player! He saved me a lot of headache...THANKS, MARK!!!! :D

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