Friday, November 9, 2007


I do not want to be at work, but here I am. At least it's Friday...and apparently Diwali! A co-worker brought in some Indian treats, so that was nice...and gooey. I'm not sure what it was that I ate, but it was a big, round ball of syrupy goo. It was pretty tasty, though. I also got a Lifesaver lollipop, but for some reason, they don't make them lifesaver-shaped anymore. By that I mean there is no hole in the middle. Can you really call it a Lifesaver if there's no hole? I mean, their big ad campaign was "there's only one candy with a hole in the middle" (tweet, tweet, twiddle, twiddle...remember that commercial??)! A lifesaver with no hole isn't much of a lifesaver, if you ask me...I'm imagining people drowning because they're thrown a lifesaver with no hole that's too awkward to grab onto. (Nerdy aside: lifesavers became more widely used after the Titanic disaster...I wiki'd that shit, so it's gotta be true.)

Anyway, this red lollipop doesn't even taste like a red Lifesaver! Wrigley's, you've really dropped the ball on this one. I'm insulted and annoyed, but I'm going to finish the lollipop anyway because I have a sugar craving and I'm too cheap and lazy to go upstairs to the convenience store.

Yay! My co-worker, Kristina, agrees with me on this whole lollipop business and she brought to my attention that the "red" lollipop is actually ORANGE!!! I swear, it looked red, but not like a red lifesaver. She insists that Finland knows what's what when it comes to flavours: orange = mango; yellow = pineapple; and green = pear. What's with orange, lemon and lime in North America? It's just 'pick your boring-ass citrus flavour'...hmmph.

Weekend, please come save me. I see many naps in my future.

1 comment:

  1. I used to love lifesaver lollys. PLEASE DON'T TELL ME THEY'VE GONE SOUR! What is the world coming to?

