Wednesday, November 7, 2007

And so it begins..

My shoulder hurts. I know that doesn't make for an interesting first blog, but that's where I'm at right now. I can't think of anything to write because I have this chronic pain in my shoulder. Today, I cleaned up my desk area so that I could move my chair back from my desk in order to pull my keyboard tray further out and up. Hopefully, this will allow me to make better use of my ergonomic keyboard and relieve some of the pain. So far - nothing. My fancy little magnetic bracelet that my daddy got for me seems to be losing some of its effectiveness, too...or maybe the pain is too much for it to handle. That's a lot of pressure for one little bracelet. I should cut it some slack.

This morning, my boss slipped in some vomit outside the subway station and sprained her ankle pretty badly. I wasn't there to witness any of the ensuing madness, but I hear she made it into a cab and will be gone for the rest of the day. If I had a really mean, annoying boss, I would think that karma was rearing its vengeful head, but my boss is the super-bestest and she doesn't deserve to fall in puke and hurt herself. I hope it's not too serious and that she recovers quickly.

On a completely different note, this is the coolest USB pen in the world...THE WORLD:


  1. Great post, ksong! That sucks about your shoulder and your bosses ankle. Puke is gross!


  2. so how were your free massages for that shoulder? :)

    Sorry, Tania let slip that you have a blog and so I've been enjoying it instead of doing homework.
    On a side note, I never realised that I was capable of nagging by web from across the world! I think that must be a talent, no?

    Nice blog, hope your shoulder gets better, and I love your little Kathryn cartoon.

