Monday, November 12, 2007

Back to the grind!

So, I apparently do not blog on weekends. Who knew?

Saturday was Zoë's first birthday party. It's a little sad when your one-year old niece has more friends than you, but she's so dang cute, it isn't any wonder that she's also very popular. Myles and I got her a fun Laugh 'n Learn toy that should help her learn to walk, and then it turns into a little push bike that she can ride when she's big enough. This is her having good times with the toy...also, she has crazy hair that her parents have dubbed, "Zo-hawk"!

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I was craving chili last night, so I ran to the grocery store to get all the ingredients to fulfill my chili needs. The problem was, I don't really know how to make chili, even though I've made it before. I can only cook if I have a recipe and I forgot to look one up before going shopping. I think I did alright, though: ground beef, red pepper, onion, kidney beans (although I bought the wrong kind - I saw the word "chili-style" and grabbed it, but apparently it means "baked beans with chili"...I used it anyway. Whatever.), corn, and mushrooms (MUSHROOMS??? WTF??? I used them, too, because I didn't want a pack of mushrooms to rot away in my fridge). I also bought chili peppers which the cashier mistook for green beans so they cost me all of THREE CENTS!

Anyway, the chili turned out okay, but there's SO MUCH of it! I have no idea how to cook for one...or even two! Now I'm going to be stuck with this chili for the next week. And to top it all off, I forgot to pack some for lunch. Luckily, there was a United Way fund-raiser at work where a bunch of people brought in food from around the world. I really just wanted my lunch to be from Mexico, but that was my own damn fault. The United Way food was okay, but the real consolation was the German chocolate mud pie, or whatever the hell it was. All I know is that it was TASTY!

I'm impressed (and a little embarrassed) that I can blog ad nauseam about's a gift AND a curse.

Check out this crazy spider! Its butt is so happy!!!


  1. Your chili sounds delicious!!!

    hehehehehe, happy-butt...hehehehe...

  2. i'm not really anonymous - i'm your sister and i can take some chili off your hands if you like : ) actually, m & d are coming in to babysit tonight. we could feed them your chili : )
