Monday, November 19, 2007

Yes...I pinch.

In fact, I'm a pincher extraordinaire! According to Tania's mom, I'm a "Pinching Queen". Oh, this might sound kinda disturbing to people who don't know that I spent Sunday on Tania's farm making perogies. My job, aside from grating cheese, and peeling potatoes, involves the stuffing and pinching of the dough. I fully understand the "factory line" method of stuffing/pinching, having been part of many mandoo (Korean dumpling) lines in my lifetime. Tania, Mrs. A, Baba and I were in charge of pinching, while Mr. A rolled out the dough. It's a long process, and the A's only know how to do things in bulk, so we spent about 3 1/2 hours making 650, or so, perogies. The time passes quickly with a tv in the kitchen, though, and we made our perogies while watching You, Me and Dupree and Kicking and Screaming (Will Ferrell...not Noah Baumbach). The best part about perogie weekend is, of course, the taste test, and the A's make the best perogies I have ever tasted! I'm sure it has everything to do with they way they are stuffed and pinched. :P

OMG - I just looked up Noah Baumbach and found out that he co-wrote The Life Aquatic with Wes Anderson! I love Noah Baumbach AND Wes Anderson! I'm also looking forward to Margot at the Wedding which has Jack Black, so I think I might like it.

Also, I saw another dead squirrel on my way to work. That makes about 6 dead squirrels and one dead pigeon in less than a year on my 10 minute walk to work. It's kinda creepy. Some of the squirrels aren't even roadkill - two of them were lying flat on their bellies with their arms and legs sticking straight out...sorta like Superman. This leads me to believe that they ate some hallucinogenic peanuts that made them think they could fly. Poor things never had a chance...

1 comment:

  1. Poor squirrels. :(

    Someone needs to be in charge of these squirrels' diets to make sure the hallucinogenic peanuts are off the menu.

    I VOTE KSONG 2007!!!
